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  • Thank you to all who attended the Council of Reference meeting at Carr Manor Community School on Wednesday 12th June. Thank you to all our Members, Supporters, Special Advisors and our LLA Ambassador Jamie Jones-Buchanan MBE for attending or LLA Council of Reference meeting at Carr Manor Community School on ...

  • Click the image to read our statement in support of Black women following the revelations about hateful, racist and misogynistic comments made by Leeds businessman Frank Hester about Diane Abbott MP.

  • Thank you to all who attended the latest Leaders' Breakfast meeting at CATCH on Friday 22nd March. Thank you to CITU for sponsoring the event - read more about the fantastic work they are doing to develop ecologically sustainable and climate friendly housing here. Our Leaders' Breakfasts are important spaces ...

  • The Leeds Learning Alliance Inclusive Leadership and Practice Conference took place on Friday 8th March at Carr Manor Community School. The third conference of its kind to be held at Carr Manor, the day was highly successful with over 200 delegates attending. Our guests represented organisations both within the Alliance and beyond, from all over ...

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